
Brazil ruling highlights dangers of ignoring neurodivergent needs
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Jose Daniel Gatti Vergna - Mattos Filho
Daniel Vergna is a partner at Mattos Filho


Renata Ziebarth of Mattos Filho
Renata Ziebarth is a senior associate at Mattos Filho



Vinicius Sabatine of Mattos Filho
Vinicius Sabatine is a senior associate at Mattos Filho

At the beginning of last month, São Paulo's Labor and Employment Appellate Court (Case Records 1000780-72.2023.5.02.0021) issued a paramount ruling, which could significantly impact neurodiversity issues in the workplace.

The court's decision became particularly prominent due to it occurring during World Autism Month, or #blueapril, a UN campaign created to raise awareness about autism.
