Discrimination Disabled workers left to choose between their lives and livelihoods iStock.com/shironosov Image John van der Luit-Drummond Editor-in-Chief Wednesday 29 September 2021 “We’re seeing a lot of redundancy issues, but it gives you a sinking feeling when someone who’s been shielding, is a carer, or has young kids tells you they’ve been picked as the first to go,” said Get AccessContinue reading International Employment LawyerAlready have access? Login now Email Enter your email address. Password Enter the password that accompanies your email address. Reset your passwordLog in Need access? Find out how to enjoy unlimited accessGet access You might also like... Restructuring Lessons in remote offboarding as furlough ends and “Great Resignation” takes hold Discrimination One-in-six employers fail to make reasonable covid adjustments for disabled workers Covid-19 Long covid raises workplace disability and discrimination concerns Health & Safety Work-related covid deaths “massively” under-reported, claims union body