Industrial action Nordic unions charge up for battle with Tesla Image Josh Stephens Senior Reporter Thursday 07 December 2023 An ongoing labour dispute between Elon Musk’s Tesla and 130 Swedish mechanics has crossed international borders, with workers in Denmark and Norway announcing “sympathy strikes” against the US elec Get AccessContinue reading International Employment LawyerAlready have access? Login now Email Enter your email address. Password Enter the password that accompanies your email address. Reset your passwordLog in Need access? Find out how to enjoy unlimited accessGet access You might also like... Collective Bargaining Can Tesla withstand mounting union pressure in Sweden? Unions Elon Musk faces labour woes across SpaceX, Tesla, and X empire Unions Tesla’s ban on clothing with union insignia “unlawful”, NLRB rules Disputes Laid-off Tesla workers launch class action after investor accuses firm of “toxic culture”