Disputes US food safety firm fined $1.5m in federal child labour complaint iStock.com/domnicky Image John van der Luit-Drummond Editor-in-Chief Tuesday 21 February 2023 One of the largest food safety sanitation services firms in the United States has paid $1.5m in civil penalties after a federal investigation found at least 102 children were employed in hazardous Get AccessContinue reading International Employment LawyerAlready have access? Login now Email Enter your email address. Password Enter the password that accompanies your email address. Reset your passwordLog in Need access? Find out how to enjoy unlimited accessGet access You might also like... Discrimination Meat giant JBS settles race and religious discrimination claims for $5.5m Disputes Meat giants and data firm agree $85m settlement to end DoJ wage-fixing suit Disputes Why US companies should brace for a surge in class action lawsuits in 2023 Human Rights Pressure mounts on multinationals as Myanmar coup leads to labour abuses