
Workplace AI: Regulators stepping in amid political distractions
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AI microprocessor
Sara Ibrahim
Sara Ibrahim is a barrister specialising in professional negligence and employment law at Gatehouse Chambers
Matthew Hodson is a barrister specialising in commercial, private client and employment law at Gatehouse Chambers
Matthew Hodson is a barrister specialising in commercial, private client and employment law at Gatehouse Chambers

With a new UK government, employers and employees might be forgiven for thinking that the National Artificial Intelligence Strategy of the Boris Johnson administration will be shelved. This assumption would be a mistake.

Under Johnson, the current Chancellor of the Exchequer, Kwasi Kwarteng, championed the AI Strategy as the secretary of state for business, and he sees AI as a driver of economic growth. With the rapid development and deployment of AI in the UK and abroad, the government’s focus will return to this area.