Wellbeing Implementing EU’s work-life balance directive of marginal impact to Germany’s employers iStock.com/arsenisspyros Thursday 25 August 2022 On 5 August 2022 the draft law on implementation of European Union Directive 2019/1158 – the so-called work-life balance directive – was sent to the German Federal Council (Bundesrat) for veri Get AccessContinue reading International Employment LawyerAlready have access? Login now Email Enter your email address. Password Enter the password that accompanies your email address. Reset your passwordLog in Need access? Find out how to enjoy unlimited accessGet access You might also like... Future of Work How Dutch law already offers favourable work-life balance for employees Benefits Culture shift needed in Italy for EU’s work-life balance directive to be truly effective Mental Health New nonprofit seeks to improve lawyers’ wellbeing amid covid crisis Benefits Calls to advance working mothers’ rights and opportunities in Thailand and Taiwan