
No jab, no job: the workplace’s role in moving towards “covid-normal” in Australia
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Vaccinations Australia
iStock.com/Christie Cooper
Nicholas Ogilvie
Nicholas Ogilvie is a partner at Herbert Smith Freehills
Alexis Agostino
Alexis Agostino is a senior associate at Herbert Smith Freehills

Since March 2020, Australia has endured long and rolling lockdowns. Just this week, Melbourne achieved an infamous world record for the most time spent in covid-19 lockdown – a total of 248 days (and counting) in six separate lockdowns.

These lockdowns are a result of Australia’s previous push for “covid-zero” and a recent increase in covid-19 case numbers in certain states. Melbourne, for example, has just recorded its highest number of covid-19 cases since the commencement of the pandemic.